Image courtesy: world wide web
The stars that connect the sky,
the tides that weave the sea,
the pebbles that merge the shore,
the trees that mesh the forest,
the branches that link the trees,
the leaves that entwine the branches,
the sun that lights the horizon,
the sky that paints the water,
the waters that survives the fish,
the fish that eats the seaweeds,
the seaweeds that carpets the rocks,
the rocks that protects the soil,
the soil that strengthens the roots,
the roots that keeps alive the trees,
the trees that mesh the forest,
the forest that survives the big bears, leopards, and birds,
the birds that live on the worms,
the worms that protect the soil,
the soil that gives birth to crops,
the crops that survive the we,
the we that eat everything in this big, wild world,
the world in us is the world outside,
the outside that reflects the inside,
the inside that is abstract,
the abstract is opaque, yet translucent,
the translucence of the sun rays in a muddled dew drop at dawn,
the dawn that breaks the doom,
the doom that dwells within,
the within that is deep,
the deep that can just not be measure,
the measure of memory,
the memories of the boundless inside out,
that inside out is what we call the universe.
For it is one, the one within.
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