It's been long...
A very long time since a time with you
for this had been engaged
engaged in the tantrums of the myriad windows
windows that make this what it is
It is yet an undiscovered psyche
psyche, let me not call it one
One which denies the inner
the inner that craves
craves for fame
fame for esteem
esteem by relations
relations from shallow ponds
Ponder, it ponders it's state
stating unanimously of it's grave realm
realm, which it considers not to be grave.
Being grave is the harmony that it chose
It chose to be received rather than to retreat
Retreat, oh. It wasn't an option.
An option that cost it solitude
Solitude, yet not unhappiness
unhappiness, how could it dwell?
That which dwelt is you.
You are unwelcome
unwelcome, it says
It says, it cannot be
be in harmony yet in solitude
solitude, as you aren't a companion
companion? It probes.
It probes me, for I talk for you.
You stay dormant
dormant, never speak for yourself.
Your windows open only to it,
it yet denies to see through your windows.
Windows? What do I see through them?
They are bolted
bolted when I peep through.
I laugh maniacally
maniac, I am. I am latent
latent in my own sphere, as I've been,
been engaged with the two of you.
Who am I? You?
Photo courtesy: Internet
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