She sat there one night, pages of burden clustered around her. Burden, for the others. She ain't got no fear of stage. The next day was her tedious yet short presentation. A business plan competition. She had come up with an ingenious plan, to outwit the established plan holders and impress the jury in her favour. It was 3:00 in the morning, she was exhausted but still jotting down her stronger points, budgeting down the cost, churning in the income and tracing out the losses of the possible business presentation. When she saw her concerned mother looming out of the dark, her lips traced an understanding smile. The mother plunged back int sleep after brewing a hot cup of coffe for the tireless 'she'.
It was the morning. She was up and ready, her eyes sore but delighted on the thought of that day. She put on her best smile, her best suit and a unique pair of golden hoops that reflected her shining intellect. She rode down to the conference hall with confidence looming in her heart. She reproduced her efforts and materialized her dreams into reality. The established plan holders were struck in awe when the jury announced her plan to have swept them down. She had the same smile and a new sense of victory pounded her heart. Her affinity for what she did bore her down with a million other feathers on her cap. The 'she' is 'me' and the same smile laquers my face as I write this post.
This contest is in the association with Mia Tanishq
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